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Baby Tooth Decay: Causes and Prevention

Tooth decay is never good news. Not only does it cause severe pain, it could also lead to more tooth problems and dental expenses if left untreated.

Children are not an exemption when it comes to tooth decay. Most people would not worry about cavities and tooth decay. But what most people don’t realize is that it can cause infection, pain, and, in severe cases, can even affect the child’s jaw development and speech.

Luckily, with proper dental care, and healthy eating and drinking habits, tooth decay can be easily avoided.

Baby Teeth are as essential as the Permanent Ones
Temporary teeth are important as they not only provide your little one the means to chew his or her food; they
actually keep space in the jaw for permanent teeth and give your mini a vibrant smile.
As soon as the baby teeth show up, your child may already be at risk for tooth decay. Though it typically happens in the upper front teeth, the other teeth are not entirely safe from decay. There are even cases where the baby tooth is needed to be removed because the decay has progressed and gotten worse.
A tooth lost too early can cause the permanent tooth beside it to drift so when it’s time for the other teeth to come out, there wouldn’t be enough room. Eventually, your child’s teeth may become crowded or crooked as he or she grows older.
Give your baby an early start to proper oral care to help protect their gums and teeth against cavities and other mouth problems.

You Might be Causing your Baby’s Tooth Decay
Without even knowing, you might be passing harmful bacteria to your baby. Simple gestures such as putting the pacifier in your mouth when it falls to the floor or tasting the baby’s food using his or her spoon can transfer cavity-causing bacteria to your child’s mouth.

Put your Mini to Bed without a Bottle
Every time you let your child sleep with a bottle, you’re practically luring his or her teeth into an acidic trap. Sugary liquids that pool around the teeth are food to the bacteria living in our mouth. These bacteria then produce acids which attack and erode the baby teeth enamel paving way for decay and cavities.
Honey-dipped pacifiers, as well as frequent exposures to sugar-containing liquids such as soda, fruit juices, or other sweetened beverages can also cause baby tooth decay.

Keep your Baby’s Teeth and Gums Clean
You will want to start proper cleaning and hygiene a couple of days after birth. Use a gauze pad to clean your newborn’s gums after every feeding. This way, you’ll combat plaque and help your mini get used to having his or her mouth cleaned

Regular Dental Check-ups are Important
Besides opting for tooth-friendly diets and having good dental care and habits, a periodical visit to a dentist in Scottsdale is equally as important for your child to prevent cavities and decay. Your dentist in Scottsdale should know what oral care to recommend to your child upon check-up


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