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New Year Resolutions: Be Healthy and Happy

The new year always begins with resolutions. Some of these are strong enough to be adhered to throughout the year. One of the best New Year’s resolution one can make is to stay healthy and be happy. Staying healthy also means having healthy teeth and gums, which in turn promises you the most bewitching smile.

The key to a successful New Year resolution is to set a goal that is attainable and that which can be adhered to. Instead of thinking big, it is perhaps beneficial to have small plans that you can incorporate into your daily routine. 

Surely small changes in habits can help you feel better and inch towards complete physical well-being.

7 Healthy and Easy New Year Resolutions

By adopting these simple tips, you can have a good oral health all through the year without having to put in much effort.
  1. Make a promise to brush your teeth at least twice a day, no matter how busy you are. This will help remove plaque before it sets into the teeth enamel. Help your children learn the right way to brush their teeth too and do it for them if you have to.
  2. Eat a good diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Avoid junk food and sugar-rich drinks and food. Believe in the mantra “eat healthy and stay healthy.” Teach your children likewise.
  3. Use dental products that are fluoride-rich and strengthen your teeth and gums. This will help prevent dental caries and keep your teeth and gums healthy.
  4. Spend a little money on dental accessories that help you get healthy teeth and gums. Get good toothbrushes and be aware of their condition after prolonged use.
  5. Add exercise to your daily routine. A 15 minute session or a brisk walk can also be incorporated if you can’t devote too much of your time going to a gym.
  6. Adopt flossing on a regular basis. Make sure to floss your teeth after brushing. This will help to remove the unwanted food particles from gaps and crevices in your teeth becoming clean and germ free. In addition, make sure to rinse your mouth with a good antimicrobial rinse.
  7. Be conscious of your health and visit your dentist and doctor at regular intervals throughout the year. Do not neglect your health and take it too lightly.
These tips may sound simple enough but will ensure that you are in the pink of health throughout the year. Be sincere and follow on them, and the rewards will show up sooner than later.


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