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5 Surprising Ways to Protect your Teeth and Gums

We all know cutting back on smoking and drinking red wine can prevent further damage to your teeth and gums. But did you know kissing, eating apple, or not brushing immediately helps, too? Here are five surprising moves to defend your teeth and gums against detriment.

Don’t brush immediately after drinking soda
This sounds unconventional, but brushing right after sugar consumption can actually do more damage to your teeth than good.
Soft drinks and energy drinks contain harmful compounds that can ruin your teeth. Those acids, combined with the coarse action of brushing, can crumble the enamel. Before brushing your teeth, let your saliva neutralize the acids first. Chew a sugarless gum, or sip water to help with the process. In this way, you can protect your teeth against the caustic elements of an acidic beverage.

Be a smarter swimmer
Overly chlorinated water can, in fact, stain and erode tooth enamel. While chlorine is used to treat pool water for bacteria, excessive use of it decreases the pH level of the pool making it dangerously acidic.
So the next time you decide to take a dip, tote a toothbrush with you and use a fluoride rinse right after an hour or more in the pool. If you’re a frequent swimmer and feel repeated tooth discomfort, you may want to check with your Scottsdale dentist to rule out any possibility of tooth or gum problem

Boost your calcium intake
Just as it makes for stronger bones, calcium also protects your teeth. It is a vital structural element for healthy bones and teeth as it strengthens the jaw bone to be able to hold your teeth in place.
Consume dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt. These are rich in dietary calcium which helps prevent gum disease. You can also take a calcium supplement to aid on your lack of the mineral, but get as much of it as you can from the food you eat.

An apple a day can keep your Scottsdale dentist away, too
Apples, carrots, celery and other crunchy foods act like toothbrushes, and can even help scrub away stains over time.
Have an apple a day. Because of its flesh that is rich in fiber, and its mildly astringent and acidic quality, an apple makes for an ideal teeth brightener and cleanser. Brush your teeth after eating an apple between meals to wash away the acid, plaque, and sugar it may have removed from your tooth enamel. If you don’t have the chance to do so, make certain to drink water afterwards

Kissing helps safeguard your teeth
Now, here’s another reason to pucker up! Who knew smooching can help protect your pearly whites from detriment? Apparently, not a lot of people know.
Kissing helps your mouth produce more saliva that cleanses your teeth of cavity-causing bacteria. No one to share a kiss with? No worries! Chewing on sugar-free gum with xylitol also does the trick.


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