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Care for Your Cosmetic Teeth as Much as You Care for Your Natural Teeth

Whether you are wearing partial or complete cosmetic teeth, keeping them clean is as essential as keeping your natural teeth in tip-top shape. Similar to natural teeth, cosmetic teeth experience wears and chips, as well as accumulate plaque. Therefore, they must also be kept clean and free from stains to ward off dental issues such as oral thrush or denture stomatitis.

For excellent cosmetic teeth care, here’s what you can do.

Tip #1: Handle your dental appliance carefully.
When cleaning your cosmetic teeth, make sure that you do not damage or bend its clasps and plastic. Also, avoid accidentally dropping them by standing over a sink full of water or a folded towel when handling them.

Tip #2: Rinse your cosmetic teeth regularly.
Brushing and rinsing them daily will eliminate food particles and diminish plaque buildup. In addition, brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush helps avoid permanent stains or discoloration on cosmetic teeth. Do not use toothbrushes with hard bristles as they can wear or damage the cosmetic appliance.

Tip #3: Soak them overnight.
To keep their shape, these removable cosmetic appliances should remain moist. So when you are not wearing them or before going to bed, soak them in water or a mild denture cleanser soaking solution. Cosmetic teeth with metal attachments should not be soaked in solutions that contain chlorine as it tarnishes the metal. Also, do not soak it in hot water to prevent it from warping. If you are uncertain, check with your dentist. He/she may recommend effective methods for caring for and storing your false teeth.

Tip #4: Use a denture cleaner.
Toothpaste is not a good cleaner as this contains abrasives that can damage your cosmetic teeth. Instead, clean them using a denture cleaner, mild dishwashing liquid, or hand soap. Avoiding bleach is also a wise move. Using it may whiten the pink portion of your dental appliance, and weaken them over time.

Tip #5: Give your mouth a rest.
Wearing the removable appliance all day and night can do harm on your mouth. To prevent infections and keep your gums and remaining teeth healthy, remove the dental appliance every night. Also, you want to brush your tongue, palate, teeth and gums before replacing the cosmetic teeth back in your mouth in the morning. Doing so will eliminate plaque, and stimulate circulation in the mouth. Pay close attention to the teeth where the metal clasps fit. This is where plaque gets trapped, increasing the risk of decay. You can also rinse your mouth with a mixture of lukewarm water and salt to help clean the gums.

Tip #6: Schedule regular check-ups.
Typically, you should visit your dentist every after six month. But if you have false teeth, your dentist will advise you about how frequent you should visit to have your dental appliance examined and professionally cleaned. Periodic dental visits will also ensure that your cosmetic teeth fit perfectly, preventing discomfort. If your false teeth become loose, see your dentist right away to prevent sores, infection and irritation.


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