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All About Tooth Decay

Everyone who has attended an appointment with a dentist has heard about tooth decay at a young age. We learn that it is important to follow a routine of thoroughly brushing our teeth and flossing to avoid developing oral diseases and cavities. Although we are taught to follow the guidelines of practicing oral hygiene, many people become lax about their daily brushing routine because they don’t quite understand what causes tooth decay.

So, what exactly is tooth decay, and what causes it?

Tooth decay is simply the destruction of your teeth which is caused by the bacteria in your mouth.

Everybody has heard their parents or dentist say that poor oral hygiene and sweet foods cause cavities, which is quite true. There are billions of bacterial organisms that live inside your mouth which receive their nutrition every time you eat or drink something. You may notice a film that develops over your teeth occasionally; this film is known as plaque, which is simply a large concentration of bacteria which is living in the same area. The bacteria in your mouth feed off of the sugars in your food, and excretes an acid which eats away at the enamel on your teeth. Over time, the slow process of tooth decay leads to holes in your tooth enamel (cavities), which can also lead to severe tooth degeneration if left untreated.

Now that you know about tooth decay and what causes it, you may find yourself feeling a bit more motivated to brush and floss at least twice a day. Be sure that you are brushing your teeth thoroughly and properly while giving special attention to brushing near your gum line to avoid bacterial buildup which causes gum disease. Talk to your dentist about any questions you may have about your oral health.


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