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What’s the Deal with Cold Sores?

Contrary to popular belief, a cold sore virus is actually only caught through direct contact with the skin like kissing, not through shared cutlery, cups, towels and the like. If you have cold sores, you were probably kissed by someone who has them on the face.

Cold sores, which are caused by herpes simplex virus, may show up anywhere on your body. But they are more likely to appear on your fingers,
nose, cheeks, or outside of your lips or even the genitals. But don’t worry; cold sore viruses are rarely serious and usually last for just about a week.
Although for anyone who has a complex immune system or has AIDS, the infection can be life-threatening. If the infection spreads, it may cause meningitis or encephalitis to the brain; or if in the eye, may cause blindness.

Anyone who has had cold sores before can have it again at a later time. In saying so, when it heals, it doesn’t mean that it’s gone for good. It only hides in your nerve sheaths and reactivates or reappears later on. A few unlucky individuals get them from time to time. When they do, doctors or dentists usually prescribe them medicine or antiviral tablets.

If you happen to catch one, try these preventative measures:
  • Look after yourself so you don’t get ill. Make certain that you get enough sleep and that you take multi-vitamin & mineral pills.
  • Sometimes, being in direct sunlight may trigger or worsen it so stay away from direct sunlight or use a sun block lotion.
  • If you notice it reappearing, apply a cold compress on the area for 90 minutes. Then, lather it with an herbal cream. Ask your doctor about this.
  • Some topical anesthetics may also stop a cold sore virus if it does break through.
  • Applying cold used tea bags or tea tree oil to the infected area can speed up the healing process.
As earlier mentioned, recurrence of cold sores are very seldom and happens to a very few people. However, if it indeed reappear, it’s most likely for reasons such as stress, getting your period, coming down with an illness, drinking too much alcohol or being under the sun for too long.
Cold sores are very common so don’t be over sensitive about them. As long as you are taking good care of your health and hygiene, you are sure to stay away from those fever blisters.


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