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The Dangers of Amalgam Fillings and the Alternative

Dental amalgam has already been used for more than 150 years now. Millions of patients have already benefited from it. Usually, it is used as filling for cavities due to tooth decay. One of the major reasons why amalgam fillings have been a huge hit in the dental industry is that they last long
According to a study conducted by a Belgian dentist, amalgam fillings last for an average of 12.8 years.

This study involved 722 amalgam fillings he had placed between 1982 and 1999. Meanwhile, 659 dentists from Finland also did a similar study. Research showed that the average life of amalgam fillings is 12 years
Another similar study was conducted in 2012, involving a group of researchers. Their study showed that 80% of amalgam fillings still ten years after they are placed

No wonder, lots of people were shocked when amalgam fillings were banned in various countries. The United States is also considering the ban. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) already ordered the ban, considering the possible harm of these fillings. In the document FDA released, amalgam fillings ban in European countries like Norway, Denmark, and Sweden.

:For you to understand why here are the dangers of amalgam fillings
Metals expand and contract, depending on temperature-
 Metals corrode-
-You may feel discomfort with a metal filling.
-Amalgam fillings require removal of a healthy tooth.
-Amalgam fillings have mercury.

Given the dangers that come with amalgam fillings, it is then best to find alternative materials for dental fillings. Among of the best choices would be composite fillings
Unlike amalgam fillings that contain mercury, composite fillings are made of plastic. Often called as “white” or “tooth-colored” because of their color, this alternative is safer due to its composition. It also has other benefits

Composite fillings blend with the surrounding tooth -
Unlike amalgam fillings, which are metallic by nature, composite fillings bond with the surrounding tooth chemically. This has something to do with the chemical composition of these composite fillings. Also, because of their color, they also blend with the tooth’s color, making it look more nature

 They do not require removal of healthy teeth -
As mentioned earlier, amalgam fillings are massive that they require removal of a healthy tooth to have ample amount of space. This is something you can avoid if you are having composite fillings. This is because composite fillings are lighter compare to amalgam fillings. They also do not occupy much space because they are more compact and versatile. Because of this, you can actually use composite fillings to repair your tooth that is simply cracked, worn, or chirped


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