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Let a Cosmetic Dentist Improve Your Smile!

There are various reasons why people seek cosmetic dentistry. While some individuals just want to look younger, others prefer it because they have unattractive teeth. But what exactly do you know about it?

What is cosmetic dentistry?
Unlike traditional dentistry, which focuses on preventive, diagnostics and treatment, cosmetic dentistry is focused on improving the esthetics of a patient’s mouth, and teeth. 

In simpler terms, general dentistry treats dental issues that require it, whereas cosmetic dentistry offers elective procedures and treatments. However, there are cosmetic treatments that may also have restorative benefits. Dental contouring or reshaping, for instance, may be performed to fix uneven bite.

Thanks to modern innovations in dental materials, today’s cosmetic procedures have become more durable and natural-looking. In addition, cosmetic dentists can now preserve as much structure of your natural tooth as possible by utilizing more conservative cosmetic dentistry techniques. These make cosmetic dental treatments more convenient and comfortable for patients.

From subtle enhancements to major repairs, a cosmetic dentist can perform a wide range of treatments for individuals looking to improve their smile.

Teeth Bleaching
Perhaps the most widely recommended cosmetic dental treatment, bleaching is used to enhance the appearance of your smile by removing stains from your teeth, and making them whiter.
Teeth whitening can be done either in your dentist’s clinic, or at home under your dentist’s supervision.

Inlays and Onlays
These are popularly known as indirect fillings. With materials made from composite or porcelain, inlays and onlays offer a “filling” to treat tooth decay and similar esthetic damage. While dental fillings are molded onto the tooth during a dental visit, inlays and onlays are produced in a dental lab prior to being fitted and bonded into place.

Dental Bonding
Teeth that are broken, chipped, decayed, or discolored may be corrected or repaired using a cosmetic procedure called bonding. It is also used to fill gaps and spaces between your teeth, or change the color and shape of your teeth entirely.

An enamel- and dentin-looking composite material is placed onto the surface or cavity of a tooth. Once it is sculpted into shape, the dentist will then harden it with high-intensity light. Bonding typically requires a single visit to the dentist, but it lasts for years.

Dental Crowns
Also knows as caps, dental crowns restore the appearance and shape of a tooth by completely covering it. Because they are quite expensive, crowns are generally used only when no other cosmetic procedure can treat a patient’s dental problem. Among all the cosmetic treatments, crowns are the most time-consuming, but they have the longest life expectancy.

Dental veneers enhance a worn appearance and treat severe discoloration of a tooth. These are thin composite or porcelain laminates that are bonded to a tooth’s surface to alter its color or repair cracks and chips, as well as correct crooked or unevenly spaced teeth.

Apart from it being a less expensive alternative to crowns, dental veneers may also be recommended to patients who have had no success with bleaching. The treatment requires your cosmetic dentist to take an impression of your troubled tooth. Your dentist will then buff the tooth lightly to compensate on the veneer’s thickness prior to cementing it in place using a light beam. Compared to bonding, veneers have longer color stability and life expectancy.

Reshaping and Contouring
Tooth contouring and reshaping can correct various dental issues in a single session. Although they are commonly performed to change the shape, position or length of a tooth, contouring may also repair chipped teeth, as well as help correct minor bite problems. This procedure is also ideal for patients who have healthy set of teeth but are seeking for subtle improvements to their smile.

In today’s world, a healthy smile speaks volume. It exudes confidence, and conveys how much you care about your health. With a healthy and bright smile, you give yourself the right amount of confidence to succeed in your set goals. And cosmetic dentistry helps you achieve that.


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