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7 Tactics to Ease your Toddler into Brushing

While you may be ready to pass the toothbrush, you toddler may not be eager to take it. In any case, they should be taught. At some point, your child will have to learn to do things—in this case, brushing—on their own. You just have to be there to make it happen.
Because toddlers do not really understand the importance of it, brushing, for them, can come across as an undesirable chore. 

Thus, getting your little ones to brush can be a serious challenge. For this reason, it is critical that you help him or her build a healthy oral routine.

Make brushing less of a struggle for the both of you with these tactics:
Play pretend
Motivate your toddler to practice on his or her stuffed toys or dolls. Doing so may help them get used to the idea of brushing and take scariness out of the picture. You can also show him or her the proper way of doing it, as well as let your tot brush your teeth to switch thing up.

Don’t expect too much
In the beginning, your toddler does not have to brush for a full two minutes. Just keep it short at first, and then slowly lengthen the time as your child gets older. Also, don’t stress out about them not being able to clean the gum lines or having to reach into the nooks yet. In these early years, it’s more about instilling the habit of brushing, rather than teaching them about the technique.

Give him options
Let him try out a bunch of toothpastes and let him decide what toothpaste and toothbrush he wants to use. Try new toothpaste each time or have your child pick one that he’s sure to like.

Take turns
Let your toddler feel in control but ensure his or her teeth is getting cleaned in the process. You can let your little one brush his teeth in the morning, while you brush his in the evening. If they insist on brushing on their own, have them hold another toothbrush while you take care of the job.

Resist on scolding or holding them down
Though this could get your job done faster, it can make brushing feel like a punishment for your child. This will make them dislike the process and resist any of what you want to instill. Keep it as light and fun as possible so they will be encouraged to practice doing so.

Brush your teeth with your toddler
Set a good example and join in when it’s time for your child to brush his teeth. You can set up a competition to make it more exciting for him. That way, you may motivate him into brushing longer to give his teeth a thorough cleanse.

Find a back up
Make a cosmetic dentist appointment periodically and ask your cosmetic dentist to give your little one a thumbs-up for brushing his teeth himself. This can encourage him to continue doing the habit and eventually making it part of his routine.


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