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Reasons Why New Moms Should Never Neglect Their Own Oral Health

Gone are the days you can plan for yourself. Now that you are a mom, your world at present, revolves around keeping your baby safe and healthy. There would be times that you would be extremely tired and neglect your own needs including your dental hygiene.

You may not realize it but maintaining a good
 oral health is actually significant to your baby’s health.

Your baby’s immune system isn’t up for germs yet
Coming from a sterile environment, your baby is not used to bacteria yet. Since a newborn’s immune system is still immature, it is best to keep bacteria and germs to a minimum. And it starts with your good hygiene practice. Without proper care, you may involuntarily transfer harmful bacteria to your baby without even realizing it. Your mouth, if left untended, may cause problems for your baby. Note that bacterial transmission can be as simple as giving your newborn a peck on the lips.

Your routine depends on the baby now
You’re awake when the baby is up. And you do chores or take naps when the baby is sleeping. Your routine now is dependent on your baby. Your set routines prior to having your new born have changed.
With your baby, you may be finding your hands full, hence, neglecting to do some pretty usual habit like brushing after meals. Simple things like this will affect your oral health in the long run, which is bad. So, as hard as it can be, try to squeeze a bit of time for your dental care needs.

You’re still hormonal
Although pregnancy is through, your body is still experiencing hormonal changes. And this can go on for months if you are breastfeeding so your gums may still be susceptible to inflammation, soreness or bleeding. That’s why it’s crucial that you give more attention to your teeth and gums now. Be diligent to cleaning your mouth to prevent dental issues in the future.

You’re a new role model
Being a new mom meant being a role model for your child. You are one of the persons the baby will grow up with. Hence, it’s most likely that he or she will mirror whatever things you do, so you better set examples. Demonstrate good practice by doing it yourself, not by just saying it. Show your baby how you tend to your own teeth and let him or her learn from that and, later on, develop good dental habits.


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