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Oral Cancer – Symptoms and Awareness

When cancer originates and spreads in the mouth and the throat region, it is known as oral cancer. Oral cancer can be easily detected and can also prove to be fatal if left untreated for a long period of time.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer
The first and the most prominent signs of cancer is bleeding. It may be initially be construed as gum problems like gingivitis or the onset of an infection. The bleeding can be heavier than one would normally see while brushing or flossing if one was infected by gingivitis or other gum infections. Dentists recommend a x-ray to fathom the problem. Cancer is diagnosed once x-rays and tests are conducted.

- An open sore that does not heal easily inside the mouth can be a sign of a cancerous sore. Sometimes a bump which may seem abnormal and does not go away can also be a cause of worry. The lump may be a small tumor which may be malignant and can be the cause of oral cancer as well.

The problem can be manifested by a change in the voice. The voice box will become affected and can lead to a change in the tone of voice or even loss of voice should the cancer spread. In addition, swallowing and chewing could be a problem. Often these symptoms may be misconstrued as tonicities, strep throat, or another form of throat infections.

- The lump in the oral region could be attributed to rash of some kind. Medications may be 
prescribed, but if the problem is a first stage of cancer, the medications will fail to have any effect.

Causes of Oral Cancer
If one wants to do away with the possibilities of oral cancer, one has to bring about a change in their lifestyle. In addendum, change in your diet and habits. It has been found that excessive consumption of tobacco and cigarettes can be a very potent cause of cancer. The tar in the nicotine can affect the lungs and cause cancer. It has been researched that cigarettes and tobacco products contain carcinogens, which are the most potent causes of cancer.

April is considered to be an oral cancer awareness month around the world. Life is beautiful if one lives it healthy and hearty. Giving up tobacco and smoking is a small sacrifice in comparison to living and enjoying life and being cancer free.


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