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Dental Emergencies: Are You Ready?

Accidents can’t be helped. Knowing what do to when it occurs, however, can. And it may mean the difference between loosing and preserving one’s tooth. Whether you are home or out on vacation, the following short-term fixes can help you manage a dental emergency if you can’t see a medical professional right away

Knocked-Out Tooth
If you happen to slip and knock your tooth out, the best thing you can do at the moment is to keep the tooth moist until you get to your dentist. Do not touch the root of the tooth. Instead, pick it up by the crown. If possible, put it back in its socket, and then try to bite down. If you can’t, put it in a container with milk or saline solution. A knocked-out tooth needs urgent attention so waste no time and rush to your dentist immediately. If these are done appropriately, there’s a good chance that the tooth can be re-implanted in its socket by your dentist

Unaligned or Loose Tooth
Call your dentist right away if you have a tooth that is unaligned or loose. You can also try placing it back to its original position, for the time being. But be very careful and only apply very light pressure. Bite down to keep your tooth from moving until you reach your dentist

Chipped, Cracked or Fractured Teeth
A chipped tooth does not usually constitute a dental emergency. However, it is recommended that you see your dentist to prevent it from chipping more every time you eat.
For a cracked or fractured tooth, immediately rinse your mouth with warm water, and apply a cold compress then head on to your cosmetic dentist in Scottsdale as soon as possible. If the fracture’s too painful, you can take acetaminophen. Make sure you follow the instructions on the packaging.
A fractured tooth is a serious issue because it usually means that the inside of your tooth is also damaged. Your dentist may be able to determine your tooth’s condition through an x-ray. If the tooth pulp inside it is damaged, root canal may be need. Otherwise, it might only need a crown. In extreme cases, though, severe fractures lead to extraction. If your dentist believes your tooth cannot be saved, various options such as implant-supported restorations and bridges will be provided

Tissue Injury and Facial Pain
Tissues injuries such as puncture wounds, lacerations or tears to the cheeks, lips, mouth or tongue are all considered a dental emergency. If you suffer from any type of tissue injury, follow these steps:
- Clean the injured area with warm water.
- If your tongue is the one bleeding, pull it forward and apply pressure on it using gauze.
- To alleviate pain, take acetaminophen and follow its packaging directions.
- Get to an oral surgeon or rush at a nearby hospital emergency immediately


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